Please check the weekly News Sheets ( on the Welcome page ) for any seasonal changes.
1st Sunday - 9.30am Family Service
2nd Sunday - 9.30am Parish Communion
3rd Sunday - 9.30am Sung Matins
4th Sunday - 9.30am Parish Communion
5th Sunday ( when it happens ) - 10.30am Joint Service with Emmanuel Sidlow Bridge - see news sheet for venue.
Every Sunday - 6pm Evening Prayer by telephone (see News Sheet for details of how to phone in)
The Licensing Service for our new Priest In Charge, Rev. Sue Lepp, is to be held at St.Nicholas church on 10th October 2023 at 7pm led by the Bishop of Southwark and the Archdeacon of Reigate. If you would like to come along, please inform Peter Anderson or Pam Parsons so that we have an idea of numbers attending.
Do contact the Churchwarden if you need any help or just for a chat
© St Nicholas' Church Charlwood