Prayer Drop-in
Prayer Drop-in happens weekly on Thursdays from 10am to 11am in the Nicholas Room and is an hour of prayer for the world and its people, and particularly those people and situation that are of concern to those who come along. It is guided by passages from the Bible and gently led to ensure everyone is able to contribute in their own way. Just come along, join in or just sit and pray quietly. Come when you can and leave when you need to.
The Choir
Charlwood is fortunate in having a dedicated choir. If you enjoy singing do join us. Choir practice is on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. Contact: Niky Briscombe
Larks & Linnets and BBC
Our junior singing group, ages 5 - 10, sing all sorts of songs. This includes a musical item which they lead in the monthly family service. Monthly practices are held on a Wednesday.
bbc – Big Book Club – is a club for youngsters from 5 to 10 yrs with activities based around the big book (The Bible). There are stories, quizzes, craft activities and games. It is also on a Wednesday just before Larks & Linnets and refreshments are served for those wanting to stay for both sessions.
Contact: Niky Briscombe
Once a month, players of a wide variety of instruments, and singers of all abilities, join together to create a wonderfully unique sound for our services. Monthly practices are at 4.30 pm on the Saturday prior to the service.
Contact: Niky Briscombe
Venture Week
At the beginning of the summer holidays, around 100 Charlwood and Hookwood Parish children come together for an organised week of activities and events. A week most plan their summer holidays around - one not too be missed!
Contact: Natalie Burling
or: Lisa James
Music Festival
On a Saturday in July, local musicians with support from far and wide entertain a crowd in the churchyard, with refreshments, followed on the Sunday by a special service and a musical brunch. The event is designed to highlight the unusual number of musicians in our parish and raise funds for both the church and for community projects.
Contact: Patrick Cox
or: Peter Barclay
Tea and Chat
We meet on the second Tuesday afternoon in the month at 2.15pm in the Charlwood Parish Hall and are always pleased to welcome anyone who would like to join us. We sit and chat to friends while tucking in to a really good tea. A charge of £2 includes a ticket for the raffle.
Contact: Jan Gillespie
Flower Guild
We are a friendly group who enjoy arranging flowers in the Church. We meet in January to agree the annual rota for the regular arrangements at the altar and pulpit, when each member takes two consecutive Sundays. At Christmas, Easter and Harvest Festivals we have fun working together as a team, decorating the church and porch as befitting the occasion.
Contact: Katie Kett
Our largish churchyard is both beautiful and an environmental resource. A group of willing helpers meet twice a year to trim, clear and tidy-up the churchyard, followed by mugs of tea and well-deserved cake. Additional helpers are always welcome.
Bell Ringers
We normally ring most Sunday mornings and also by request for weddings. Good fun, energetic, requires concentration but not too much musical expertise! It is important for this ancient art be passed on through the generations in order that the ringing of Charlwood bells continues into the future. So if you are already a ringer come along. Or if you would like to learn to ring, do get in touch. All ages 14-80.
Contact: Mark Davies
Charlwood Church Research Group
In 2018 a small group of villagers came together to delve into the church history. The group is secular and consists of people who come from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is to share and learn about the church history. By focusing on certain projects, we hope to rekindle interest in its heritage and present it afresh to the community. MORE...
Contact: Maggie Hensman
© St Nicholas' Church Charlwood